
Dodos Riding Dinos

Created by Detestable Games

Dexterity racing game for 1-6 players with funny miniatures and art. Dodos and Dinos from the same universe as War for Chicken Island.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Dodo is in the Lair
over 4 years ago – Fri, Oct 02, 2020 at 04:27:43 AM

**Bass groove starts**

Dodo is in the Lair, everywhere I look around...

Dodo is in the Lair, every file and every card

And I don't know if I'm being foolish
Don't know if I'm being wise
But it's something that I must believe in
And it's there when I look in your game

Yeah, while you're singing with Dodo Paul Young, the updated and edited English Print and Play & STL Files are being distributed. If you selected the digital ($12) reward tier, selected the optional add-on in Backerkit or you were a Day-1 Backer you should be receiving the updated version of the Print and Play through Lair, our group 3D marketplace.

Check your e-mail inbox, Spam or promotions folder for a message from Lair and access using your e-mail address tied with your Kickstarter profile along with your provided password (in the email). 

The Spanish, German, French and Italian versions for the print & play will be available at the beginning of 2021

What exactly you'll receive?

1. Updated Print and Play (English)

2. Updated 13 STL files (12 Dodino racers + Kux & Babbey)

3. English Rulebook

What changed?

Texts have been edited, some cards' effects balanced, we included all gameplay modes and we adjusted the sizes for the 3D files to the proper scale. This doesn't mean the previous files we sent are bad, but the new ones matches the files we sent to the factory.

We encourage you to play the Cup Mode. Please let us know your thoughts in the main comment section. Your comments for the rulebook also are welcome, we're ready to hear you. You can share your pictures and stories with us in social media or in Draco Studios Discord server.

How Lair works?

LAIR is a sister company (subsidiary from Draco Studios), a platform to store and access your 3D printable and PDF files for tabletop gaming. Many features are under development; in the future you will be able to connect (offer or get) with 3D printing/painting services near your area, share your creations or remixes with the community, find more 3D models or games and more! 

Right now, LAIR is on Alpha version 0.0.2 

1. Look in your inbox, spam or promotions folder for an email from LAIR.

2. Copy the provided password and click on the link to access to the site.

3. Click Log in and enter your Kickstarter email; paste the provided password.

4. Access to your files in your Library collections or by file type. 

5. Click on the Download button and start printing!

  • If you already had an active account (with Dragonbond: Battles of Valerna recent fulfillment) you should access to your existing account.
  • There is currently no account management site, but in version 0.0.3 (released next week) you will be able to change your password or request a password reset.
  • At this moment, only the core game files (PnP PDF files and 3D printable files) were included. In some weeks, distribution for other optional add-ons such as War for Chicken Island Print and Play, Mecha-Chicken Dinosaur / Dodosaurus egg-throne, Artbook and any other digital files will begin and you will find them in your collections. (You will get an e-mail from LAIR as well).

Ok ok, updated PnP is ready what is the next step?

Good question, we're moving fast. We almost arrived to the Digital Proof step with Panda Manufacturing. What does this means? This means we are very close to unlock the Preproduction Copy of Dodos riding Dinos. Roooaaarrrr!!!! We will get some components samples very soon!

In addition, our localization partners are still working in the translations, so we're moving in the right direction.

That's all for this update Roooarmy! See you running!!!

We're looking for all terrain racers. Are you ready to win the Dodino Cup?
over 4 years ago – Wed, Sep 16, 2020 at 12:39:22 AM

Hello Roooarmy!!!

Here we are with an unexpected no birthday update! We already told you that Cup Mode became the definitive Dodos riding Dinos experience, so put attention to the following info about the Dodino World.

To win the Dodino cup you must race across the four tracks mastering their unique challenges. Each map has an inner track recommended for 5 or 6 players, and an outer track for 4 players or less.

Please take a look to the details.  

Dodino Island

The place where Dodos and Dinos live in peace… but our leader has been crushed by a meteorite! Now, we must run to claim the Dodosaurus Egg-throne before the others. It seems the island only have the Finish line and Regular hex markers... But who knows, maybe it has the greatest secret of the game.

Wich is the big secret in Dodino Island? The Dodos have the answer.

Ignis Volcano

Your Dodos have fallen in the volcano! Dinos, you must jump into the crater to rescue them! Keep running and avoid burning your legs with the hot volcanic terrain.

In this track there are special Flame hexes. You can only enter a flame hex by advancing an exact amount of hexes into it. Alternatively, you may choose to ignore the flame hex and follow the track in the corresponding adjacent hex. You cannot enter flame hexes by going back.

When you finish on a Flame hex, choose one of the following effects to resolve: 

  • A) Ashes: Take any card of your choice from the discard pile. 
  • B) Fireballs: Deal 1 damage to all Racers standing in the closest 2 hexes (any direction, regardless of the distance) with Racers on it.
The second trail in the Dodino Cup Mode is hot!

Polaria Iceberg

During the winter, it is common to see icebergs near Dodino Island. The strong icy winds make bridges and the Dinos sometimes cross to explore these cold lands.

This map have dangerous shortcuts. In the track there are hexes with shortcut signals followed by shorcut hexes. When you step a shortcut signal you must roll a die (which does not trigger Racer abilities or provide additional movement):

  • 4, 5, or 6 (Success): Continue advancing through the shortcut.
  • 1, 2, or 3 (Failure): Take 1 damage and continue advancing through the regular path.

The inner track of this map have an additional special condition: Deep snow What does this mean? The Speed value on Movement cards is reduced by one, but don't worry, this only affects Speed value, not result from dice, effects, abilities or powers. 

In spite of the thick snow in the inner track, its seems this is the fastest challenge.

Boreal sky

We need to tell you this again: Making this map possible was our dream since the beginning of the campaign due to its reference on our favorite racing videogame, so we put a lot of effort to make it unforgettable and... how we can say this without being smug?... Hmmm... We can't, we did it and is amazingroooaaarrr!!!

In this track, there are two new hexes: the glass ramp and the landing hexes. When you arrive into a glass ramp you must try to jump to the other side crossing the sky. Flick an Egg token (without damage or triggering any Racer abilities) from the glass ramp to the landing hexes (the ones with a printed paw). Every try has a cost of 1 movement. If the egg touches any landing hex, place your Racer on that hex to continue advancing... sounds easy, don't you think? 

If you finish your jumping attempts and you don’t succeed, you must choose one of the following options:

  •  1. Take 2 damage and continue in the landing hex with the smallest paw. 
  • 2. Finish your turn in the glass ramp to retry the next time you advance.
The hardest trick to master: Jump!!! Roooaaarrr!!!

Now, you're an expert in the Dodino World. Remember you can choose any map to play a single race or try the Derby mode.

Finally, here's a sneak peek of the War for Chicken Island crossover celebrating the game will arrive soon!

Dodos riding Dinos X War for Chicken Island

IMPORTANT SHIPPING NOTICE: For backers who selected Split-shipping for War for Chicken Island, you have 48-hrs to update your address in Backerkit. Fulfillment for War for Chicken Island will start in October but the freight shipping is starting this week! Once you receive your copy of War for Chicken Island -again, only for backers who selected Split Shipping before today- we will unlock addresses again in case you need to update it once Dodos Riding Dinos is ready.

Do you want more unexpected no birthday updates? Let us hear your roooaaarrr and tell us if liked this one in the comments!!!!

Development complete! Derby mode spoilers and another cake!
over 4 years ago – Wed, Sep 02, 2020 at 01:30:32 AM

Hi Dodino Island!

How are you? As usual we've been working hard with the game and the effort has been worthwhile. We can say that the development stage for the English version of the game is 99% done. What does this mean? It means we'll be able to proceed to the next stage: Prepress with the factory. On one hand, in the big picture, this milestone allow us to start working with the manufacturer for the digital proofs and component samples, which will take us 1 step closer to get the preproduction copy. On the other hand, having a finished and locked version of the game unlocks a new path to start the official translation with our localization partners. So, hold your breath, maybe we'll be writing very soon with component samples from the factory...

We also want to share with you that we have learnt a lot during the process. We are the first critics of our work and we detest mediocrity. We're always looking for how to improve and develop our skills. As we already mentioned, our commitment for delivering you the best game that Dodos riding Dinos can be, is total. Here's an evidence of William leveling up +5 in his "Rulebook Read Proof skill".

Great job Lord Kickstarta! Just in time! Thanks!

(That's just his avatar for reference during this social distancing times) Editing and proofreading of the rulebook and all components has finished. Terminology, consistency and layout has greatly improved and you will notice this. An updated version of the Print and Play (for backers who included the add-on) will be sent by the end of September.

And now, time to test your Derby skills. Welcome the 8 player game variant World Premiere!!!

Eight Dinos in the race! 

Choose your partner and win the Dodosaurus Egg-throne together.    

Are you ready to ruuuumble???!!!

Rules remain as usual except for the following changes:

Additional setup

Assemble 4 teams:

  • Team 1: First and fifth player.
  • Team 2: Second and sixth player.
  • Team 3: Third and seventh player.
  • Team 4: Fourth and eighth player.

The players first to fourth are positioned in the inner track. The rest of the players will run in the outer one. The fifth player will be the first player in that track. Remember you must follow the base setup rules.

How to play

Run two races simultaneously using the full board. Help your partner to be the Derby winner couple. Take into account the following new rules:

Scheming phase.

  • After revealing cards, the team or teams that played the same type of card, must advance their Racers 1 hex following the turn order. Of course, you can’t talk with your partner about which type of card you will choose.
  • Five or more aggressive cards are needed to consider the racers who played them enraged.

Running phase.

  • The projectiles can hit everybody. The only exception is the feather, it only works in the thrower’s track.
  • Block and Megablock can be used in any track.

End of the round.

  • Pass the First-player marker to the player on the left.
  • The Lead Racers on each track advance 2 hexes.
  • The 2nd place on each track advances 1 hex and draws 1 card.
  • All other players draw 2 cards.

Players who finish their track must remove their Racers from the board.

When the second player of a single team finishes their track, if is the farthest those players will be the winning team.

A removed Racer can continue supporting its teammate. That player keeps playing cards from their hand until they have no cards in hand. The effect from those Movement cards is ignored but the Speed value is added to the teammate’s Racer.

What's next?

Here's a summary of what we will be doing during the next 30 days:

  • Digital proofs and samples: We will work with the factory to approve digital proofs for printed components while receiving samples from non-printed components.
  • Translations: We will handle Spanish translation of the files ourselves and we will coordinate German, French, and Italian translations with localization partners.
  • Update Print and Play files and STL files: By the end of September we will send a revised (edited) version of the whole game along with translated files if they are also available by that time. STL files with the final scaling will be sent as well (a couple of STLs ended up being slightly larger or smaller than intended).
  • War for Chicken Island split shipping preparatives: our friends from Draco Studios let us know that War for Chicken Island production is scheduled to be finished on mid September. Freight shipping and fulfillment will be happening during October.
  • Developing next game: our priority remains with Dodos Riding Dinos but since we are done with development (game design, graphic design, illustration, writing, editing, etc) most of the work will become management and coordination from our friends at Draco Studios. We are starting to work on pre-development for the third game that will consolidate Creature Kingdoms and allow you to merge your games in a single gaming experience.

 Who is next?

William and the team at Draco Studios will be working with Panda Manufacturing in the files revision. Meanwhile, we have been sailing through the Avian Archipelago and flying the skies of the Creature Kingdoms atop our dragon looking for the perfect island or continent for our next game.

Gnomosapiens have joined the team again and their artists have done some early concept drawings about our explorations.

Creative explorations

We would love to know if you have seen something interesting in the Creature Kingdoms that we haven't. Please leave us your insights in the comments!!!

Another Cake?

Yeah, we're very happy. We accomplished our deadline for the final English revision on September 1st. We did it! So we deserve a dessert!... Mmm... Ok, not exactly.

Maybe Pepe deserves a cake because today it is his birthday. What do you think? I became 39 and I'm the eldest member in our group, so, be kind and show a little respect! 

Pepe with his daughter Paula who is a fan of dinosaurs since the beginning of Dodos Riding Dinos. Paula is going to taste chocolate cake for the first time!

Finally, we promise you a next update soon when we have news from China, or when another team member has its birthday. Whichever comes first!!! Rooooaaaarrr!!!

What's under the Dodo Egg-Throne? Dino Dad Special Day and spoilers, SPOILERS everywhere!
over 4 years ago – Thu, Jul 30, 2020 at 08:50:52 PM

 Hi Dodino Island! How are you!

As we already said, Dodino Island is a place full of secrets. We have just discovered that there is something under the Dodo Egg-Throne.

What is under the Dodo Egg Throne?

We'll give you five seconds for your best guess.







If you thought something like: "There is a big party adventure under the Dodo Egg Throne with Dodo Cakes" You're a genius. We're having right now a gaming party due to Ruben "Dino Dad" Bday. He became 30. So we've prepared an update with many surprises.

Tomorrow is also Alina's Birthday. They were separated at birth. Detestable Games got them together again.

Cup Mode

We're not only happy due to Ruben's and Alina's birthday. We're also very happy because we've enjoyed a lot playtesting the Cup Mode. We can tell you that Cup mode is the best way for playing Dodos riding Dinos.   

So, here's the surprise we've working on:  The Power Up Cards are coming with... a bunch of food?   

It seems they come from different places from the Creature Kingdoms. Are they hidden clues for the next games? What do you think? Please take a look.


Any guess? Which one represents a game or characters coming to the Creature Kingdoms Universe? Remember the third game will come with a fourth one (Game system) that merge the experience.

Backerkit - Lock Orders

All of this is exciting but let's go back to important matters... have you filled your Backerkit survey?  

If not or if you would like to add extra items, please go to: and fill your survey as soon as possible.

  • We are looking to lock orders on Saturday August 1st so we can commit on final numbers with the factory.
  •  Cards will be charged on Monday August 3rd so we can confirm the add-ons we need to distribute.
  • Digital files will be distributed on Wednesday August 5th.

Ok ok, we know there are a couple of things refraining you to finish your survey.  

War for Chicken Island Gameplay video - Draco Studios let us know that they recorded a Gameplay video this past weekend and they are editing it, so it will be published sometime in August. Some of you are not sure about whether to add this game to your pledge or not. But luckily for you, there are still plenty of copies left and Draco Studios will have online preorders (we will let you know) once the games arrive. So you can still keep thinking about it for some months, until you realize that having all Creature Kingdoms games is just too appealing to let the opportunity pass.  

Kux & Babbey language Loyalty reward - As mentioned when Pledge Manager went live, we added the loyalty reward of Kux & Babbey to returning backers in advance. This was done via Backerkit and by adding the English version. There was no feature in Backerkit that would allow us to predict the language you were choosing for your game. So as mentioned before, we will change the language of your Kux & Babbey loyalty reward to match the language you chose for your game.   

Digital rewards (Print and Play + STL files) - To backers in the reward tier for the digital files (and day-1 backers) we have sent via DriveThruRPG the Print & Play and STL files. (If you haven't received your download code, please search your SPAM, Promotions and Social folders for an email; if you still can't find it please write to [email protected] with the subject "Missing DRD files"). It is important to note that backers who upgraded their pledge, preordered or include add-ons for the PnP or STL files will get their codes on Wednesday August 5th

In addition, this is just v1.0 of the PnP. While we originally didn't intend to include all stretch goals in the PnP, there will be another digital fulfillment for v2.0 along with translated PnP. That will take place once we enter into manufacture with the approved files and translations.

A new project from our sister company

As you may know, Draco Studios is a large group with several teams and 3 major universes.

Dodos Riding Dinos is part of Creature Kingdoms (just like War for Chicken Island). Then, there's Eldritch Century, and finally, Dragonbond, a high-fantassy setting. LAIR is a subsidiary company from Draco Studios focused on 3D printing for tabletop assets and recently fulfilled STL files for Legendary Dragons (still in progress with fulfillment of the last rewards) but they are ready to start a new adventure on 3D printing for Dragonbond: Battles of Valerna.

Click on the image to see the project

There are some very cool models for RPG and wargaming and now that we have started on 3D printing as well to test print our own Dodos (and the massive egg-throne) we offered to help with a test print, here's our Skorpikon rider printed on our FDM Ender3.

So, feel free to check it out:

PnP & 3D Print files

We already wrote this info above but since we received two very common questions about the PnP here's the summary again on its own section with the answers.

  • I took the PnP add on in Backerkit. You'll receive your files next week after the Lock Order had done.
  • I only got one track in the PnP. First fact: You can enjoy the DrD gameplay with the Dodino Island track. Second fact: We'll send the complete second version once the game is finished, thanks for your patience in advance.

Finally, we want to end this update with the following videos of Jabb's 3D printed painted minis. He printed and painted all the Dodinos. Thanks you so much Jabb!!!

See you soon! Roooaaaarrrr!!!

Backerkit surveys within the next 24hrs!
over 4 years ago – Tue, Jun 30, 2020 at 02:42:09 AM

Hi Dodino Island, the moment has arrived. 

We have finished setting up Backerkit, our chosen pledge manager.

Within the next 24 hrs you will receive an email with a personal link. A smoke test has been sent and 5% random backers of each reward tier have already received their survey so we can check if there's anything we need to fix before sending the rest of the surveys. The email will look something like this:

Backerkit is the place where you let us know your shipping address where to send your rewards, include any extras and pay shipping fees according to total weight. We encourage you to fill your survey as soon as possible, the pledge manager will be open for a short period of time so we can move to placing mass manufacture order. During this window, you have the opportunity to include limited add-Ons for Dodos Riding Dinos, War for Chicken Island and other of our past game titles, this is the only way to get many of them.

Here's what the timeline looks like

One great thing about Backerkit is that you can reply your survey as soon as you get it with the addons you like and get charged for them later. In this case, you must answer your survey within 1 month and your card will be charged in August 1st. (Don't worry, we will be in touch to remind you when the date is closer).

Once you open your survey, the first screen is the place to confirm your pledge level and country of residence if you are awaiting physical rewards (so you get the proper shipping fees). 

Local pickup: Backers in Mexico City or Guadalajara will be able to select Local pickup in the country drop-down menu for waived shipping fee.

Before selecting optional buys (add-ons) will need to answer a few pledge questions depending on your reward tier, including the language version for your game.

Once you answer these questions, you will go into the most important section where you will be able to include optional buys.

Returning backers and Day-1 backers will find their extra perks in their shopping cart. By default, Kux&Babbey for returning backers is in English but once you answer your surveys (and before we lock down surveys in July 28th, we will adjust it to the proper language to which you select your base game).

All add-ons from Dodos Riding Dinos and War for Chicken Island are available in English, Spanish, German, French, and Italian. Let's take a quick glance at them. 

 Dodos riding Dinos / War for Chicken Island Crossover + FREE Digital Gifts 

This is one we are most excited about, usually, medium sized miniatures promos from Creature Kingdoms are at $10 USD because of tooling and translation plaques for a single miniature. But we are offering this addon at $8 USD and decided to include a couple of digital extra items on it to make it more appealing for everyone and so we can produce at least 3k units!

  •  Mecha Chicken Dimetrodon miniature, compatible with both games (machine card in War for Chicken Island and Runner card with custom meeple for Dodos Riding Dinos).
  •  Promo card to play "Oby & The JJJ's" miniature as a Leader in War for Chicken Island.
  •  Promo card to play Krakatoa & Cannons miniatures as a runner in Dodos Riding Dinos.


  •  STL file for the Mecha Chicken Dimetrodon.
  •  Digital PDF Artbook: "Dinos and Dodos running from extinction. The definitive survival guide".
  • And the STL file for the last stretch goal that we were not able to unlock ($4,000 USD short) but we decided to commission anyway! The Dodosaurus Egg-Throne STL File. Behold:
Dodo Eggthrone 3D model

The STL file for the Dodosaurus Egg-Throne was the Last Stretch Goal ($250.000) and we almost reached it. We dodo you... so we asked Heriberto for the 3D model and now, you'll be able to 3D print it. We did and it looks impressive!

The Dodosaurus Egg Throne STL file will be included in the crossover add-on

Protection Kit (Card Sleeves + Foam Projectiles)

The sleeves were considered as a must for protecting the cards. You asked for them since the beginning of the campaign. We have been playing a lot and we can say that you will be shuffling constantly (for example during the Cup Mode you will shuffle the deck at least 8 times in a 5-player game) so if you are like us, you know the importance of extending the life of your cards. This sleeves are mini-euro size for the movement cards.

All games are meant to be played and as they are used and handled, cards, boards, dice, meeples and all components might get worn off. In the same way, even though we showed you in the past update our stress tests (we will still be doing tests) for miniatures with wood components, we decided to still produce the foam projectiles with the sleeves so you can extend the life of your minis and tokens as well.  These have a weaker impact feel but we understand each one of you has different preferences, some might value recoil and feel, while others might value extending life of components. For gameplay reasons and doing our job as publishers, we decided it is best for the product to include wooden projectiles in the core box.

Kux and Babbey, STL files and Dodos Riding Dinos extra copies

Some of you already have these in your reward tiers. For those who don't and still want them, they will be available in Backerkit with the sames prices. The STL bundle includes the twelve miniatures in the game and Kux & Babbey.

Finally if you want an extra copy of Dodos riding Dinos for yourself or someone else, in this section you will be able to get it.

War for Chicken game and promos

As we mentioned with more detail in past updates, War for Chicken Island base game and all promos are available in limited quantities. As long as you answer your survey within this month, you will be able to get your hands on them. Plus, you will be able to select if you want to get this game and promos early with split shipping for an extra shipping fee (otherwise, you will get both games in March 2021).

Backers in this campaign will be able to get the Kickstarter Exclusive Stretch Goals with the Base Game.

Card Sleeves for all Machines (Poker size) and Scroll cards (Mini Euro size) are available as well.

One of the most interesting add-ons is Cluckthulhu and Yolk-Sothoth, which were created by backers along with Draco Studios. We are able to offer a bundle at a discounted price including Cluckthulhu + Yolk-Sothoth and the Sea Rubber Mat for a cooperative game experience.

For our dear makers who want more funny creatures to 3D print, we have also included the STL files for all models. 

Seat Wars, Cooks & Crooks

Before Dodos Riding Dinos, we created two family games with Take that mechanic, available only in English and Spanish and with very original boxes. We have very few copies left and you can also select to get these early with split shipping (for an extra shipping fee). Here are quick descriptions of the games.

Seat Wars (BGG link here) is a party game where you must fight for taking a seat in a packed bus. The goal of Seat Wars is to score more points than your opponents by fighting other characters for their seat and don't letting go.

Each player has a hand of characters cards with different special abilities for occupying a seat. They have victory points based on their defense to keep a place and their strength to take other players' seats. Each turn, you play a passenger in an available seat. To score points your character must hold their place for at least one whole round. Characters with special abilities, event cards and equipment cards will help you remain on your seat or claim others'! When there are no cards left in the deck, the player with the most victory points wins!

In Cooks & Crooks (BGG link here) a group of international chefs compete in a cooking TV show, but these chefs don’t mind playing dirty to win! They will try to obtain victory while sabotaging their opponent’s efforts by stealing their supplies, swapping ingredients in their ovens or even by adding a nasty ingredient to their recipes.

To win, you'll have to prepare the most delicious dishes... but be careful! Other players may try to put in the proverbial fly in your soup, or worse! Try to obtain the best scores while at the same time trying to ruin other chefs' dishes. When the sixth round ends, the player with the most points will be declared the winner. May the most crooked chef win!

Finally, a game from Aether Tower (one of William's first published games in 2017). Cooking Rumble (BGG link here) is a quick and portable 3-player game for ages 4+ but with enough depth for adults to play. Players take the role of Chefs and judges in a culinary competition. To win, you have to finish enough gourmet dishes and desserts to score 7 points, but be quick! The judge never tries the same dish twice.

Each turn, the active player plays a recipe's ingredient face-down, and the opposing player tries to guess what was played based on what's laid on the setup. If the ingredient is not guessed correctly, then the player can place that ingredient in any of their recipes, otherwise, the opposing player can add any ingredient to the recipe of their choice. First player to score 7 points by completing recipes, wins.

Cooking rumble mixes risk-taking with bluffing and opponent-reading. The game is very simple, yet, it offers enough depth to keep each match different, and since the matches are so short, every single decision matters.

After selecting your add-ons, you will be prompted to enter your mailing address to which we will send your physical rewards along with your payment info. We have enabled payment through PayPal for your convenience, but in case you are wondering, Backerkit is also a secure site and we have been using it plenty of times.

Finally, it is fair to say that due to this health contingency, some of the prices from the fulfillment centers for the delivery services were recently updated with increases. We will mantain our roooarrr and the price ranges we offered during the campaign. We believe prices might normalize in a couple of months but in case they don't, we will put money from our pockets to complete fulfillment as promised. 

Don't forget to click on Place order to finish the survey. You will still be able to modify it for some weeks.

STL Fulfillment for Dodos Riding Dinos models will start soon for backers who answer their survey within the next few days.

Roooaaarrr, this was a long update... but hopefully, by the time you read all of this in detail, you will have received your survey. In less than 24hrs 100% of you will receive your survey. 

Best regardsroooaaarrrs! 

And finally, Happy Birthday to one of our most participative backers: Have an awesome day Jabb!