Dexterity racing game for 1-6 players with funny miniatures and art. Dodos and Dinos from the same universe as War for Chicken Island.
Latest Updates from Our Project:
A bunch of colors!
over 4 years ago
– Mon, Jun 29, 2020 at 12:02:11 AM
Hi Dodino Island,
We have a very colorful update! So, let's quickly run through it together! Here is the Boreal track. Can you imagine it foil? It will be beautiful!
Boreal track. Are you ready to jump? WIP*
Here are more cards from the ones you unlocked. Each one with unique, amazing and fun art. And they include the dinos, dodos and projectiles you helped us make a reality!
The new projectiles cards are here! WIP*
Wich one you will choose? *WIP
Foam vs Wood (Stress and functional tests)
We received foam samples (generic shape) from our manufacture and we completed the functionality and stress tests with both wood and foam materials.
For the tests we used the preproduction miniatures from War for Chicken Island, knowing that the miniatures for Dodos Riding Dinos are even more resistant and sturdier.
The tests had two goals:
1) Looking for scratches or even breaking the miniatures after being hit.
2) The dexterity and impact feeling.
We have a looooot of videos of miniatures being hit with foam and wood. Flicking, throwing, dropping these against the miniatures. At regular, short, and large distances. We covered a lot of scenarios. Here are a couple of slow-motion videos.
As you can see, we even used the most fragile miniatures for the tests ... and they didn't brear or suffer any dents! We believed foam components could be a great option (and it would be even cheaper for production but we don't want to give you a cheap game, we want to give you a quality game). BUT one major difference is the feel of hitting miniatures, foam components sometimes don't even move the miniatures they touch which might prove to be unclear during gameplay. On the other hand, wood components have a VERY satisfactory feeling of recoil when projectile and miniature get contact. Plus it is even clearer to define whether a projectile hit a miniature or not.
In conclusion, we have decided the base game will incluye wooden projectiles due to the stress tests being successful and the gameplay experience being better with wood.
But dodo-don't worry, if you are still worried about the remote-yet-possible chance of your miniatures being damaged or painted miniatures to get scratches (it is not likely, yet it is possible depending on angle and force of the impact) we have decided to upgrade the add-on for the Sleeves to protect your cards into a full Protection Kit (Sleeves + Foam Projectiles) which you will be able to include to your order as an optional buy in Backerkit next week.
The last 3D model
Finally, we know you're here to see the "final" miniature. Chicken Nicholas and the Mecha Chicken Dimetrodon miniature + its STL file will be available as an Add On. As mentioned in past updates, this character will include cards to be playable in both games, Dodos Riding Dinos and War for Chicken Island; the addon will also include the cards for Krakatoa & Cannons to be playable in Dodos Riding Dinos and for Oby and the JJJ's to be playable in War for Chicken Island, plus some digital rewards that you will love (more about this in the next update).
They look badass, right?
Nicholas and Mecha Chicken Dimetrodon will be available very soon in Backerkit!
Roooarmy! See you very soon! We can confirm that Backerkit will be live next week! (You will be hearing from us veeery soon).
Magma on the trail: Oby and The JJJ's are on fire!
over 4 years ago
– Fri, Jun 19, 2020 at 10:08:38 PM
Hi Dodino Island,
How are you? We're fine, working hard in the development and we have new stuff for you. We promised a sneak peek for the 3D model of Oberndorfer and Joh, Jab & Jun. And we are very excited to show it to you! Here it is:
"Pushrunning" with Oby is a very hard task for the JJJ's
This is the last model that will be included in the STL pack. Backerkit setup is still in progress but once it is ready and you get your survey, make sure to fill it fast. One week after Backerkit surveys are sent, an email with access to the STL files will arrive to the inbox of backers who pledged for the STL, included them as an addon or got them as part of Day-1 perk. You will get access in LAIR (our sister company) who is a dedicated 3D printing platform for tabletop assets.
As you already read, there is volcanic lava in the title of this update. Behold the new Volcano track! It's gorgeous!
The new art for the magma track. What do you think?
In the same way, we have new stunning art for the cards. In the next update we'll show you the cards for the new projectiles: Feather and Log.
Wich one is your favorite? Hard choice Roooaaarrr!!!
See you very soon in a new update. What would you like to see the most?
a) The 3D model for Nicholas and the Mecha Dimetrodon
b) The art for the Boreal Trail
c) The 3D model for the Dodo Eggthrone
Leave your selection in the comments (What about an abc hack bullet?)
Meet the team! Meet Detestable in The Test Table
over 4 years ago
– Fri, Jun 05, 2020 at 12:31:22 AM
Hi Dino riders! How are you?
We're ready for the next developing steps. Right know we're working in art related issues for the cards and boards. We'll continue very soon with the development and testing stage for the new content we unlocked during the campaign.
Here's a preview of the new island, it is still under revision to add more elements to some sections and fine tune some details but now our island has more sense and display a closer version of the Dodosaurus Egg-Throne.
Dodino Island new look. Do you like it? Work in progress.
In the same way, here is a sneak peak for Kaizen & Achilles 3D Model. As you may remember, this Dodino couple was the first extra racer we unlocked during the campaign based on your suggestions.
Amazing job made by our friend Heriberto Valle
And now, it's time to properly introduce ourselves as a team. Up to now you have met William through the 3030 update master plan for celebrating his birthday. So, here we go:
Rubén. Lead Designer / During the campaign he was working in the social media side and new gameplay design / After the campaign he is re-creating the art for the boards, gameplay, testing and pre-press for the production step.
Pepe. Game Director / Update + main comments section writer during the campaign and developer for Wave 2-3 SG / I'm still writing this and I'm in charge for achieving the development deadlines for going to mass production on time.
Alina. Graphic Designer / Did you like all the graphic stuff shown in the campaign? That's what she made. Also she is a great KS backer and promoter / She will be tester for the new game modes.
Ady. Systems and support / He was the KS back-end in the campaign / He is working in the highly awaited Backerkit and he'll be responsible for tracking the fulfillment stage. He is algo a good game tester.
Regards from Guadalajara, the Tequila, Mariachi and Torta Ahogada land in Mexico. You're always welcome in our table!
William. Lord Kickstarta / You already know him: he glows in the dark (the plushie) / He's the production manager and he's also searching and dealing with localization partners. He's the head of the Creature Kingdom team in Draco Studios (based in a different city than the rest of the team).
Finally, Lord William will answer some questions about split shippings issues concerning to War For Chicken Island:
Hello dino riders! Thanks again for all your support with this project! At Draco Studios we are delighted with the response and we are eager to keep developing the universe of Creature Kingdoms along with Detestable Games and of course, all of you, the Creature Army.
We know 535 of you backed War for Chicken Island, 599 backed the Chickens + Dodos pledge level and many of you will be getting War for Chicken Island as an add-on in Backerkit. So this segment is to answer some common questions you may have with your pledge:
Are both games shipping together?
Short answer: No by default, but you will be able to select split shipping (extra shipping fee) in Backerkit if you wish so. Backers from War for Chicken Island already will already get split shipping since those backers already covered shipping for WfCI in the past.
Long answer: After some hiccups, War for Chicken Island is finally in mass manufacture with all files approved for all languages. If everything goes smoothly, War for Chicken Island will start fulfillment in August. On the other hand, Dodos Riding Dinos is under prepress and fine tuning for development of Stretch Goals (you unlocked so many of those!) so mass manufacture might start until late September with fulfillment in March 2021. If you backed the Kickstarter campaign or preorder for War for Chicken Island, you will get your game in August because you already paid shipping in that campaign. If you got War for Chicken Island in this Kickstarter campaign for Dodos Riding Dinos or its pledge manager you will be able to select split shipping (for an extra shipping fee) or get them both when Dodos Riding Dinos is fulfilled so you save on shipping.
About limited quantities of War for Chicken Island in the pledge manager and its add-ons.
There will still be several copies of War for Chicken Island in Backerkit: about 400 in English and 50 of each other language version (50 Spanish, 50 French, 50 German, 50 Italian). Based on previous statistics, we are almost sure that they will be enough for demand. As long as you answer your survey within the first month, you will be able to get War for Chicken Island. As for the add-ons, Cluckthulhu and Yolk-Sothoth bundle is limited to 500 while there will be 700 Dragon Mamma available (all languages). Again, based on the amount of backers in past campaigns who choose to go all-in or buy add-ons we are pretty sure that quantities will be enough and everyone answering their surveys within the first month will be able to get them.
Are War for Chicken Islandexpansions and basegame available in the same languages as Dodos Riding Dinos?
Yes. English, Spanish, German, French, Italian.
Does my copy of War for Chicken Island include the Kickstarter Exclusive stretch goals?
Yes, you all are getting it on Kickstarter after all. But just as you are getting Dodos Riding Dinos for the best price with all the extra content, backers from War for Chicken Island Kickstarter got it with an extra discount during the campaign. You can expect to get future games from Creature Kingdoms at lower prices during their respective Kickstarter campaign. Note that English version of War for Chicken Island 1st print run with Kickstarter Exclusive stretch goals is not going to be available in traditional distribution.
Will the Mecha Chicken Dimetrodon add-on be playable in War for Chicken Island and Dodos Riding Dinos?
Totally! It includes its Dino runner card for Dodos Riding Dinos and its machine card for War for Chicken Island.
That's all for now, let us know if you still have some questions and we will be more than happy to answer them!
Good to read you again! Stay safe! Rooooaaarr!!!
A cold image and a Quick Reminder: 48 hrs to fix Errored Pledges
over 4 years ago
– Wed, May 27, 2020 at 01:01:23 AM
Hi Dodino Island,
Did you miss us? We did. The campaign was so funny and the days without updates aren't the same. So, here we are again. The social distancing prevention issues in Mexico ends in June 1st and we'll be able to meet again for the testing sessions of the new tracks and gameplay modes. Meanwhile, we have been working in art and here is evidence. Do you remember the ice track?
The new snow and ice track! Rooooaaarrrr!!!
What do you think about the snowdodos and the new art? Leave your thoughts in the comments!
Errored pledges
Just a quick reminder for the 170 backers with errored pledges, 48 hours left to fix payment. At this point all the issues must be solved by your bank and/or Kickstarter.
Contact Kickstarter for support!
If you had issues from Kickstarter not being able to charge your credit or debit card, (you can tell if you received an e-mail about it) follow this steps:
Identify the source of the problem and provide the solution: 1. Your card has no funds: Transfer funds to it. 2. Another Kickstarter project you backed ended on the same day: Your bank blocked the card for security by thinking it was a duplicated charge. 3. Your card is incompatible with Kickstarter US charge hub: Try using a different card (yours or from a friend).
You will see a red banner at the top of the website saying you have an errored pledge. Click on "Fix Payment"
Try again with the proper card (see the first step: Identify the source of the problem)
There is a bug on which Kickstarter states you have successfully fixed your pledge even though it might haven't worked. The best way to confirm is to refresh the page and not having the red banner on the top; alternatively try looking in your mail for the proper confirmation.
Backers with errored pledges have 2 days left to fix it and Kickstarter will automatically retry in 48 hours. If you are not able to fix it within that time, your pledge will be automatically marked as dropped. Don't worry, you will still have 2 opportunities to fix it:
The first will be when we send the surveys (in about 3-7 weeks). Backerkit may be able to charge your card properly.
The next will be some months after the surveys are sent, we will be able to enable PayPal payments.
We will be here to provide support. But rest assured that your pledge info is still on record and you will have some opportunities to fix payment in the future. However, it is better to fix the payment in Kickstarter so that you still receive the project updates directly. Having said all of this, your last resource is to ask someone else (a friend or family member) for their card so you can try different cards Visa, American Express, Master Card until the payment is successful.
Stay tunned. Rooooaaarrr!!!
Thank you so much for your Ultra Dodino Love!!!
over 4 years ago
– Fri, May 22, 2020 at 01:21:07 AM
What a great race we just experienced in Dodino Island! It was amazing: 4,227 backers for a total funding of $246,176! We smashed through all the social goals in the last hour and we were very close to hit the last 2 hours SG. Since we ended halfway there, and to reward all your effort, we decided to split the last Stretch Goal and now, all games will include different colored dice (one blue and another orange). We will talk with our sister company LAIR to make the Dodosaurus Egg-Throne STL file as a possible Add-on in the pledge manager.
Please take a look to this image for remembering our journey.
What a race in Dodino Island!!!
A lot of content for the Roooarmy!
Detestable Games really enjoyed this campaign, it was an oasis in the desert during this hard Covid19 times. We had a lot of fun and we loved all your participation, specially when you shared us your Roooaaar with your family. We hope you also had been a good time with us shaping this Dodos riding Dinos adventure.
We Dodo You!
In the same grateful way, we want to specially say thanks to Draco Studios for trusting us. Dodos riding Dinos wouldn't be possible without your support. We're sure you also enjoyed this frenetic race!
The Detestable team: Adrián, Alina, Pepe, Rubén and William.
Time to continue a new stage in the race. Roooaaarrr!!!
Next steps
Most of you are already familiar with Kickstarter but for those of you who are not familiar with the platform, haven't backed many campaigns, or have a failed pledge pending to fix, here's what you should do or expect in the next weeks:
Kickstarter will process payments this week and will deposit funds to our account in 2 weeks. Backers with errored pledges must fix their payment (more about that below) within the next 7 days.
We will finish setting up Backerkit (our pledge manager) to send your surveys in 8 weeks. Here, you will be able to add extra items such all the War for Chicken Island content (for a limited time) and the WFCI-DrD crossover. You may also upgrade your pledge level and pay for shipping fees (in case you have physical items in your rewards) as well as letting us know your mailing address. We will accept late pledges for a short time in here (in case you know someone who missed the campaign) but of course, our backers always get the best deals, so late pledges might not have the same price or bundles than the reward tiers but rather, they will be separate items for late pledges.
Did you like the updates? We plan to continue sharing the development progress with you. The social distancing in Mexico ends soon, so, the Detestable team will be able to do a deeper test for the SG we reached during this campaign. Stay safe and keep an eye for future updates.
Errored pledges
If you had issues from Kickstarter charging your credit or debit card, (you can tell if you received an e-mail about it) follow this steps:
Identify the source of the problem and provide the solution: 1. Your card has no funds: Transfer funds to it. 2. Another Kickstarter project you backed ended on the same day: Your bank blocked the card for security by thinking it was a duplicated charge. 3. Your card is incompatible with Kickstarter US charge hub: Try using a different card (yours or from a friend).
You will see a red banner at the top of the website saying you have an errored pledge. Click on "Fix Payment"
Try again with the proper card (see the first step: Identify the source of the problem)
There is a bug on which Kickstarter states you have successfully fixed your pledge even though it might haven't worked. The best way to confirm is to refresh the page and not having the red banner on the top; alternatively try looking in your mail for the proper confirmation. Backers with errored pledges have 7 days to fix it and Kickstarter will automatically retry at the end of the 7-day window. If you are not able to fix it within that time, your pledge will be automatically marked as dropped. Don't worry, you will still have 2 opportunities to fix it:
The first will be when we send the surveys (in about 3 weeks). We may be able to charge your card properly in our platform.
The next will be some months after the surveys are sent, we will be able to enable PayPal payments.
We will be here to provide support. But rest assured that your pledge info is still on record and you will have some opportunities to fix payment in the future. However, it is better to fix the payment in Kickstarter so that you still receive the project updates directly. Having said all of this, your last resource is to ask someone else (a friend or family member) for their card so you can try different cards Visa, American Express, Master Card until the payment is successful.